Pignotto 2017

20170615 23  Colourful entrance again 20170615 27  The new dining terrace 20170717 60  Huge tractor making new vineyards olong the lane 20170717 61  The soil is turned 1m deep!
20170922 67  The view from the Vets with Gran Sasso in the distance 20170923 56  'and suddenly there is a great hubbub' ...........behind me 20170923 57  The guard dogs 20170927 52  The sheep dogs
20170927 53  The sheperd 20170930 45  Autumnal light and the making of a lawn 20170930 46 20171005 61  Another daytrip to Gran Sasso
20171024 41  The olives arrive 20171024 45  The centrfuge 20171024 47  On its way 20171024 49  Green gold
20171024 50  It tasted magnificent 20171024 51  The hornets like us! 20171205 01  The house in December